Wicked weight woes

Post pregnancy weight woes, what do I do? Seems its here to say, in for the long haul for sure.I gained around 18-20 kgs during pregnancy and lost 10 when I delivered the baby, but the remaining 10, it’s the most stubborn thing I have ever come across. I don’t know how people like Victoria Bechkam keep popping out baby after baby and still look even slimmer by the day. As if nothing happened, just a minor detour you know, very bad precedent for the mango people.

I used to be pretty lean and slim for most of my life and suddenly, this extra weight is putting pressure on my back, feet, and of course on my mind. None of my old clothes fit me now and to make matters worse, I have bought new clothes, kind of further endorsement of the new weight. Given the work and baby schedule, its even tougher to find time for work out, looks like I will have to accept this physical state, sooner or later. This looks so gloomy, what happened to those days when no matter how much you ate or not exercise, there never used to be an ounce of flab on your body. It seems, those days are gone forever and now on, life is going to be about- oops how many calories this has or oh, no I cant have a pastry or worse still, ice cream-do you know much fat is there in it! Given the amount of fat my face and body has these days, I can easily survive three Alaskan winters in hibernation. To my utter shock, I caught myself pausing on channels showing sauna belt and herbal tea! Tough days ahead…

About Kiran Bala

Colors and Words is about capturing colors and giving some words to those colors. Simple pics, simple stories or no stories for that matter...something to capture a day, a moment, or random something...its about everything yet about nothing...just life in motion!
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